Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

07 Mai 2004 01:36
Hello all,

it's not a must, but i'll very glad if all the partecipants to the meeting will register their partecipation also on Jud's website (tnx him for giving us some web space):

Event attendees that sign up by Tuesday 11 May 2004 at 8-Fest.Com will get a "free" limited edition poster!

Two Eights Racing -
Owl Canyon, Colorado
by Automotive-Artist-Photographer Tim O'Hara
Dimensions: 30"L x 16"W
(Metric: 76.2cm x 40.6cm)
80lb cover stock paper
More Information
Item #8FEST5
$30.00 (25.23 Euro)

Tnx all, cheers, Gianluca :).

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

05 Mai 2004 15:18
Hi all,

here's a brief schedule for the Italian Meeting:

Friday 14 May
Individual arrivals during the day (possibly late afternoon/evening) directly at the Hotel ( ) and have free dinner at "Mixer" restaurant/pizzeria just 50 mt from the Hotel.
If the weather will be fine and already with some light we can make some photos of the cars.

Saturday 15 May
After the breakfast we'll drive to Gradara, visit of the town/castle (Dante Alighieri's "Paolo e Francesca" one) and have lunch in a characteristic place there, time for some photos and we're ready to go to Misano Circuit and watch practice/race of big Trucks, spend some time there in the paddock and eat an amazing "piadina romagnola".
In the evening we're going to have a fish-based dinner right in the Hotel.

Sunday 16 May
After breakfast we'll ride to Urbino and spend our morning there visiting the city and get some photos.
For lunch we're gonna drive to Pian di Rose and after that we'll ride again in the neighboor to Furlo and spend some time there drinking beer in the nature and take some photos.
For dinner we'll go to "Charbonnade", a really characteristic place to eat meat.

Monday 17 May
This is a free day because i didn't already know individual departures, so we're gonna arrange the program through the weekend all together, possibly solutions are San Marino, Rimini/Riccione, San Leo and even make some shopping or going to the beach (just in front of the hotel) and take the sun right in Pesaro.

As I mentioned above a detailed pdf file containing all directions, maps, pics, schedule, prices and my private numbers we'll be mailed to all partecipants next days (i'm just correcting it a little) and a printed version of it will be ready at ur arrival right in the Hotel.

All the expenses will be regulated here in place.

If someone of u will have problems finding the Hotel or are late just phone me, i'll be at the highway exit awaiting 4 u.

Cheers, Gianluca.

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

04 Mai 2004 02:32
Hi all folks,

a detailed pdf file regarding the meeting is ready (Push and Fredi are checking it) so i'm going to send it to every single partecipants next days (maybe tomorrow)

all the bedrooms for the partecipants accordingly to the list above are booked and confirmed, even a little corner in the garage for Alv's car .... lol

if u have any last minute questions write directly to me:

u can find also all my phone and hotel numbers in the pdf file itself (don't want to make them public on the web !!! ;) )

Cheers, Gianluca.

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

03 Mai 2004 22:21
lass Dir Zeit Fredi,is ja noch ne Woche

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

03 Mai 2004 21:23
Hello all together :winken:

Ich habe gerade das Race Programm vom "Misano Circuit" angesehen, am Meeting WE ist folgendes angesagt:

" Grand Prix Truck
Autodromo Internazionale Santamonica
15/16 MAGGIO 2004 "

I was just checking about the Race Scedule of the "Misano Circuit" and Noticed that the Truck Race is on this Weekend.

Ok die letzten Details zum Meeting folgen in den nächsten Tagen
Ok some Details about the meeting will come up this days

Gruss Fredi Schweiz

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

11 Feb. 2004 06:54
Wieso meinst Du denn Pusches?

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

11 Feb. 2004 00:44
Ja, sieht so aus als wenn das ein etwas grössres Treffen gibt.
Super :top:

It seems to be a bigger meeting. :top:

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

12 Jan. 2004 18:44
So Alv want a garage .... mmmhhhhh

i think u'll better have ur great car's pijama with u when u'll come to Italy :) (joking ;) )

Cheers, Gianluca.

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

22 Dez. 2003 22:04
I want to have a gerage!
So now I´m the first and get the first one :mrgreen:
Save a gerage for me please!
Don´t want to leave my car alone in front of the Hotel,I need it to go back to Germany :lachen1:
See you.

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Re: Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

27 Nov. 2003 18:20
Hi all,

Date fixed for meeting: 14/05-17/05 2004

and the new winner is ...

prices for bed and breakfast/per night will be passed next days, they're very lower than regular prices, so hotel's chief doesn't want them published on the web :)

ok they're a little bit more than old ones (40-60) but this hotel is the best in my city, has a bigger garage for all cars, has the swimming pool and in general is better than the old one, as u can see on its website.

Excursions will be in gradara, misano circuit, urbino, rimini-riccione and maybe furlo/san marino, it all depends on the wheather and disposability from restaurants, car parking and other little things.

The road book (a pdf file) will be ready next days containing all directions to come here, hotel infos and prices, excursions and so on, as mentioned above i have to fix some little things before publish it :).

If u have questions write directly to me:

If someone of u wants to register even on site is fine, there's a page regarding italian meeting:

Jud Spencer has made it for us to have all the 2004 meetings at a glance :)

cheers, Gianluca.

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Italy Meeting vom/from 14.-17.05.2004

27 Nov. 2003 17:43
Das Treffen in italien wird voraussichtlich vom 14.05.2004 (Freitag, Anreise) bis 17.05.2004 (Montag, Abreise) stattfinden.

Das Treffen findet in Pesaro, der Heimatstadt unseres Mitglieds Gianluca statt. Pesaro liegt ca 35 Km hinter Rimini, knapp 50 KM von San Marino und weniger als 20Km von der Misano rennstrecke entfernt.
Gianluca wird das Treffen vor Ort arrangieren.

The meeting will be in my city Pesaro, just 35 kms from Rimini, about 50 from San Marino and less than 20 from Misano circuit. Gianluca will arange all things there.


Folgendes Hotel wurde in die nähere Auswahl einbezogen.
The following Hotel is our favorite.

Es ist auch möglich ein Paar Tage länger vor Ort zu bleiben.
It is also Possible to spent some additional Holiday´s there.

Ausflüge / Trips

Mögliche Ausflüge wären:
Possibly Trips are:

San Marino
San Leo
Misano Circuit

Teilnehmerliste Stand 07.05.2004
(bitte prüfen und bei Korrekturen mail an

On site:
(Cadfael) Gianluca Porta + Rossella
Andrea Cipolloni

13-17 (4 nights):
(Pusches) Ralf Pusch (single bedroom)
(Alv) Alv Oborny + Petra (double bedroom)
(Rainer_B12) Rainer Witt + Diana (double bedroom)
(Reinhard) Reinhard Wolf + Beate (double bedroom)
(TfastFu) Gabi Fueckel (single bedroom)
(Bubi) Hans-Juergen Eckhardt (single bedroom)
Thomas + Angela + 2 Children (double bedroom)

14-17 (3 nights):
(Fredi) Fredi Hatt (single bedroom)
Alain Gualterotti + wife (double bedroom)
(AMETHYST) Philippe Gegou + wife (double bedroom)
(ferry14) Fernando Wettlaufer + 1 Person (double bedroom)
(Luck) Urs P. Maurer (single bedroom)
(Overlock) Michael + wife (double bedroom)
(Janne850) Jan Nilsson + Wife (double bedroom)
Francesco + Wife + 2 Children (double bedroom)
Stepan + Andrea (double bedroom)

14-16 (2 nights):
(Balbo01) Maik Hetterich + girlfriend (double bedroom)
Robert Scheck (single bedroom)

15-16 (1 night):
Fabio Capuzzi + Grazia (double bedroom)

to be confirmed:

Arcangelo Manisi

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