Meeting report Chateaux de la Loire

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Re: Meeting report Chateaux de la Loire

15 Okt. 2005 22:30
Next time we will be there ! :top:

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Re: Meeting report Chateaux de la Loire

14 Okt. 2005 16:59
Wow, nice report!!! :top: :top: :top:
Thx for letting us know, what happens in France - I wish I were there...
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Meeting report Chateaux de la Loire

14 Okt. 2005 16:30
:top: This is for all non speaking french people from all over the world. I am going to sum up our meeting in the Loire Valley castles but before i do so here is something i want all you to know.
First of all this is a special tribute for a young fellow Philippe Brulé who did a tremendous work for the 8 community. Let's all put it that way that without him all this would have never happen. I know it's been lots of rumours on the web about his non response on about the site. It happened that way and that's unfortunate for some 8 members but please for god sake do forgive him. He had his life to take care of and did not realize the mistake. Everyone of us has made mistakes in his life so today, let's turn the page and if you guys read this and concerned about the mess now think about the hard work he put into his passion : the 8 community. When he'll finish with his education he'll be back to lead us to the right side of the 8...
Now this is to let you know that we are constructing and putting everyone into our passion.
It's so funny to just note that every new member or participant is willing to repeat his experience after a meeting.
Everyone of us was really happy to be a part of it. We had lots of fun and got on very well although we come from different geographical spots and backgrounds but it sure is so funny the way we get on so well. So many things we have in common. All 8 owners seem to be on the same lenghwave. We were meant to get together.
But for all who missed the beauties of the Loire Valley castles and the rides there'll be the pictures to show them the miss!
Weather was partly nice though we had a little bit of showering from time to time. Probably because a nice brit couple was there, Peter and Tanya (Canadian) just to remind english weather so they won't be homesick
On friday morning i arrived at 9:20 at the meeting point a Shell gas station. I was a little late considering the traffic on the road. I felt a little scared to death nbody showed up. A nice french couple Antonin and Yvelise finally show up 9:45 i was relieved! The english couple Peter and Tanya were supposed to meet us there also but they didn't show up. I thought maybe they have been waiting for us on the wrong side of the highway!!! We never know with the Brits, how clever they are...
I suggest we head towards Orleans' cathedral another meeting point. We hit Orleans at 10:30 where Peter and Tanya were waiting for us. Then Philippe Brulé's mom and dad showed up with their beautiful calypso red 8.
The 7 of us visited the marvelous cathedral. Then we headed towards the famous Chambord castle, prestigious home of François the 1st. But before, we stoped at Cléry Saint André basilica which we visited and the château of Meung upon Loire and Beaugency then Chambord where we stoped for a long visit. The double revolution stairway is terrific and the parc, astonishing. Pierre Emmanuel from belgium is joining the group a superb blue orion 840 from 1996 and Florent with xtra large rims.
We had a lunch after the visit and get together for some 8 pictures.
A beautiful Peter Rice Yellow Dakkar CSI is just cracked up to be.
Then Florent is leaving with his red 8.
Now we are heading towards Montrichard the famous town where the movie "Catch me if you can" was partly shot, staring Leonardo Di Caprio
we have a little walk then go to our hotel "Domain of Arbrelle"
a peaceful place where a nice diner is served and Philippe and cinderella Sylvie Gegou are joining us.
The next day we go to the Château of Chenonceaux a beautiful bridge castle and large parc with famous french gardens. Didier and spouse another 8 red owner is joining us as well as 1 porsche 928 GTS
As we leave the rain stops and off we go to Azay le rideau a magnificient château surrounded by water. As we arrive on the parking lot, we figure out the château is closed so it's time for lunch! A nice yellow Lotus Elise is joining us as well as another porsche 928 GTS and another 8 the professor's, Alan and his spouse Christine.
Afterwards we finally go to the Cadillac Museum in Langeais, it was just great. So many big cars from the Cadillac early years up to now. Such a variety of cars through the ages. We had the chance to see Elvis' 1958 rose Cadillac he bought for his ma'.
Then in the front yard of the museum another picture session : the 8 fest!
That's for our buddies in the US...
Then off we go to the château of Ussé (the sleeping beauty castle). We finally have the opportunity to take the 8s at the château in order to make pictures. Once again the 8 beauties where remarkable. You guys missed that. We were proud knights riding on our 300 and so horses
Then we finally decided to go back our hotel but passing through Azayl rideau castle that we missed earlier. Unfortunatly the Château has closed its doors!
Behind there is a huge portal door through which we can observe the shadow of the château! Then we take a wee instead of taking a peep!
19 of us are having diner at the hotel restaurant. We really had great french best diner (this is the jingoist side of me )
Then a little bit of music and talking and jokes and lots and lots of fun especially with our jovial belgian and great Peter and Tanya's sense of humor.
Simply the best delightful evening.
Early sunday morning drizzle is pouring down the 8s. But i have my blade to dry out the 8s, Peter knows what i'm talking about...
You guys should get a blade. The brand is GPS3 or ask Peter Rice he owns mine now. Once you see it you can't get rid of it. It's the 8 best outfit.
We are a little late on our schedule but visit the chateau of Amboise, another beauty.
Then visit just a few kms away a nice mushroom farm. As we leave it's raining again! But a nice sunny sky is appearing.
We have lunch and feel a little sad since the meeting is over. Then Philippe Brulé's mom and dad are going back home and the rest of us visit the Château of Chaumont upon Loire located on the hedge of a hill. It is a middle age castle just like Mountfitchet Castle and Norman Village in Stansted Essex
Then some other 8s are going back home and the 3 remaining visit a last chateau the one of Blois where a superb sculpture of Louis the 9th known as being Saint Louis a "noble" king, yes me lord! How great thou art!
Then we are heading towards Paris back home.
I am very proud of this meeting and honnored by the presence of those all nice people coming along the way. I made friends Peter and Tanya from UK and Antonin and Yvelise from Paris as well as Jacky Brulé and wife and Didier Lorgueuilleux and wife from this beautiful countryside who rode and led us through the Loire Valley.
Hoping to count on you guys from outside of France wherever you come from, you are more than welcome.
May the 8 be with you
850 CI 1998
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